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Be a wacindia warrior.
Live life the wac way

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

-Mandy Hale

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Pledge for a corruption free society. Take the oath and join the community of the heroes who are pledge bound to serve humanity.

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WAC global human rights foundation dreams of a society which is adaptable for anyone despite of their race, religion or political views. WAC global human rights foundation mainly focused on socio- economic development of the society.

People Council

One of the most important things we can do on this world is to let people know they are not alone. The main purpose of WAC PEOPLE COUNCIL is to provide helping hand to the one whom in need. To promote, encourage, manage.


To promote, encourage, create, help, subsidize, manage, develop, conduct, design, execute organize programs and seminars on anti-corruption through global platform…


The main purpose of WAC PEOPLE COUNCIL & WAC GLOBAL HUMAN RIGHTS FOUNDATION (united WACINDIA) is to provide helping hand to the one whom in need. 

girl, dog, poor


What we do


Provide education in every aspect like academic education, vocational education, oriental Medicine, physical fitness education, Yoga, self defence education etc.


Now a days One of the most common disease among youth is drug abuse. WAC People Council provide care to those who are suffering from drug abuse and also to their family. We provide full rehabilitation course in our centres for drug de-addiction.


Strength comes from strong body and mind. To keep a healthy mind and body we provide physical education which includes Korean Martial Arts, Japanese Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Modern Martial Arts and Traditional Martial Arts, which will also help one to protect self.


Our counselling section includes a suicide prevention team, family counselling team and also substance abuse counselling team to prevent or minimize the damage that can be done if not handle with proper care. .


In the era of women empowerment we are not only focusing on women empowerment but also with women we are adding all those needy under privileged people who looking for a way to be self dependent.

Skill Programs

Skill development programs are mainly held for members so that through the program members strengthen their skills and abilities.

Self employment

We help the needy one to get employment but we also promote self employment schemes to support the talented ones who want to do something of their own and create employment.

Legal awareness

One of the sad but true fact is the awareness of general people regarding legal stuff is very less so we are taking a step to create legal awareness throughout various awareness campaign. t.

Shelter Homes

We provide shelter for the one in need of it – rescued child labour, underprivileged children, lost children who’s parents yet to be found, orphans and also old age people. s.

Join us as a volunteer


Impact Stories

Stories that makes the difference and inspire others to live life the WAC way.

WAC PEOPLE COUNCIL During covid 19 pandemic

Our district Ambassador Mount Abu, Shri Ravi Singh, has been continuously distributing free food to the needy at the time of the pandemic COVID 19. His noble contribution has set a great example of selfless love towards humanity and mankind. We the WAC People Council and Wacindia are thankful to him and hope to see more such contribution from him in future.

CORONA safety mask and sanitizer distribution

WAC state President : Andhra Pradesh (Dr. Taitus Gorle) has set an wonderful example of being a warrior by distributing corona safety mask and sanitizer distribution for free. We the WAC People Council and Wacindia are thankful to him and hope to see more such contribution from him in future.

SELF MADE MASK Distribution during corona pandemic

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